Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Playlist

I just recently changed my playlist on this page. There aren’t as many songs as the last one, this one only has four songs from No Doubt and Anna Tsuchiya. I’m a huge fan of both! I hope everyone enjoys the new playlist. 🙂

  1. Anna Tsuchiya – My Fate
  2. No Doubt – Don’t Speak
  3. Anna Tsuchiya – Lucy
  4. No Doubt – Hella Good
The majority of the songs I had on my playlist didn’t work, so I added a new song on there by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu! 

On a side note, I will start trying to update this blog soon. I’ve been very busy lately. My other blogs have been updated, so if you’re interested in checking them out, just click one of the links under “About” on the side panel of this blog. 🙂
Sorry for such a short entry. D:

The Walking Dead – Episode 11

I’m a HUGE fan of the Walking Dead. It’s one of my top favorite series that’s on television now. The drama, suspense, horror, a love triangle between a husband, wife and best friend, thrills, and most of all let’s not forget the awesome ZOMBIES! This show is everything wrapped up into one big package. And I love every bit of it.The characters interactions with each other is one of the key elements of the show. How will they survive in a world that has literally turned into the most famous quote: “Survival of the fittest.” It has been one heck of a roller-coaster ride for the group and a lot has happened since season one. A lot of deaths, people disbanding from the group, a lone brother who was left behind, Sophie’s disappearance and then being found as a zombie. However, what really got to me was the death of Dale.

Truthfully honest, I knew that it was going to happen sooner or later. I didn’t want it to happen, but I had a feeling it would. When Dale died the tears started building up in my eyes and the next thing I knew it was waterworks for me. It’s crazy because I’m the last person to ever cry over a television show or movie! Quite embarrassing to admit, may I add, but it’s the truth. I cried when Dale died. To me, Dale was the voice of wisdom for everyone. He was wise. Even though he may not have spoken out on certain things that have happened between people within their group, Dale was observant. He knew what was going on behind the scenes. He could see how Shane was starting to change, (back when Shane held the gun in his hand from the season one and pointed the gun at Rick in the woods. Dale was there to catch him), I’m pretty sure he put two and two together about Lori and Shane, and the list goes on.

He is a character that would be missed. I can only imagine how Andrea will take it in next week’s episode. Out of everyone, she was the closest to Dale. In a way, he became some what of a father figure to her.

He offered her advice when she needed it, and guidance. Despite the time they had a mild rift int their relationship, which happened shortly after the death of Andrea’s sister. I have a feeling that Dale’s death will cause a serious change in her personality. After all, she lost her parents, sister and now Dale.

What really made me kind of mad in this episode, is two things. Carl and the torture/death sentence of that kid. Carl’s personality had changed since the entire Sophia incident. In the beginning, he was such an innocent yet curious child. However, in the most recent episodes, you can tell that he is slowly turning cold. I believe that his father’s sheriff “hat” he has been wearing isn’t helping the situation any better, lol. The very same zombie that attacked Dale just so happened to be the exact zombie that Carl was bothering earlier on in the episode. So in a way, if Carl never walked off with Darryl’s gun into the woods and decided to bother the zombie by throwing rocks at it and so on, the zombie would have never escaped where he was stuck. On a side note, I have a feeling Darryl’s missing gun will eventually come back to haunt Carl.

Now the torturing of that boy. That bothered me so much throughout the entire episode. I could not see why they were going to murder him. I sided with Dale’s voice of reason for the entire episode. I was mad that no one was with him, with the exception of Andrea. I thought for sure Glen, Maggie or Darryl would step in and disagree with killing him, but they didn’t. I was sitting there the entire time watching like

 It seriously bothered me!

Regardless, this was by far one of the best episodes of this season. There are only two more episodes left for this season. What do you think will happened? What did anyone else think about this episode? What were your feelings about Dale or thoughts on anyone else?

Naruto manga rants

I am an avid reader of the Naruto manga. I make sure to keep myself updated with the weekly chapters from various websites I read the translations on. The year 2006, is when I first began reading Naruto manga, and the same year I stopped watching the anime as I had been in previous years. However, I am not writing this entry to give you a trip down memory lane of how and why I started reading Naruto. This entry has more to do with the recent chapters and various scenes that still bug me to this day.

Allow me to start with one of my favorite chapters. Chapter 437: Confession

I will start by saying Hinata Hyuuga is one of my favorite female characters in the series. She has been a favorite of mine for years now, before Naruto even came to the states. This chapter is something I am sure many Hinata/NaruHina fans have been waiting for a very long time, and it finally happened! Hinata really surprised me. She displayed such determination, strength and poise. I was happy for her, despite how short her fight lasted in the manga, (luckily in the anime version, an entire episode was dedicated to her, which makes up for the chapter for me).

Did anyone else notice Hinata only has one eye activated? Haha.
Makes me wonder did Kishimoto do this on purpose or merely forgot to draw it.

Hinata fans all rejoice in her FINALLY confessing to Naruto after years of waiting! I could not be happier. The look on Naruto’s face when she confessed was priceless. Sometimes, I do wonder if Naruto was possibly thinking if Hinata meant, “I love you” as a friend or “I love you” as in I love you. Who really knows what was going on in his mind because Naruto has YET to reply to Hinata’s confession. Do not get me wrong. I understand that everyone is in the middle of a war, but Naruto has had chances to speak to Hinata. Heck, even a courtesy ‘thank you for saving’ would have even sufficed. However, no, Naruto acted as if Hinata had not confessed anything, which irks me so much. Dx The girl emerged herself in courage to save the boy she is in love with, fought Pain/Nagato, confessed her love for him and nearly died!

Like seriously Naruto, did you suffer some sort of amnesia?


I guess the only thing us anxious fans can do is to wait until the war is over with to see what happens. I hope that by then we will get our answer.

Now let us move onto chapter 515: The Wars Begins. This chapter was the introduction to all the characters that were dead and brought back to life. You may think that well, “What could have bugged her about this chapter?” Well, allow me to tell you by showing you this picture.

Sorry, I’m just realizing I typed Dan’s name in this picture and not Nawaki’s.

Do you see that character standing on the far left hand side? You can barely make out who he is besides the headband tie on the back of his head and the black/dark colored hair. For months, I have been wondering if this character could possibly be Obito Uchiha. There could be dozen of possibilities that it is not him, but I have a slight suspicion that it is him. I know that Obito’s body was crushed by a few boulders, and that would probably would make him a pancake. Despite that minor/major point, I still believe that it could be Obito.

Now it comes down to the one question: Why would it be Obito? There could be a few reasons why it could be him. The main reason why Kabuto could have revived him because he may know that Kakashi’s eye may have come from his teammate. What better way to get to Kakashi by bringing back an old teammate/friend from his childhood, the person who changed him into the person he is today? I will admit I can see Kabuto bringing back Obito more so than bringing back Rin. Mainly because Obito plays a more influential role to Kakashi, than what Rin did. It is like another version of Sasuke and Naruto to me in a way.

I am actually hoping that is Obito, just so I can see Kakashi’s reaction to seeing him again

I had not thought of this choice until someone mentioned it to me, but there is a chance that it could also be Nawaki. Now, I could be completely wrong mostly because of his bright colored hair. I have never seen him in the manga before, so I am not sure how his hair is colored. Could it be light like Naruto or dark like Sasuke? I would not know, but I should find out.

Tsunade already suspected that Dan could have been brought back to life, so who knows. However, I am sticking to Obito until Kishimoto proves me wrong. XD

Now, let us move onto another scene that bothered me in the manga. Kishimoto has a habit where he starts something and leaves his readers hanging for months on edge on what happened. For example, look at these two scenes.

We have yet to figure out what happened after those scenes. A few chapters later Kakashi is seen, but we do not know exactly what happened during his so-called “rampage”. I have always wanted to see Kakashi unleashed, but not once has he been seen cutting loose and really going for it. If he is about to, someone or something always stops him from finalizing his attack. This could have been our moment to see Kakashi really fighting. It makes me wonder will Kishimoto ever do a flashback of what happened.

Then there is the Hyuuga brother’s fight that I was dying to see, which barely was seen. Kishimoto used to put so much emphasis on the Hyuuga clan, yet everything is always focused on the Uchiha clan. No offense, but sometimes I get a little tired of hearing about the Uchiha clan. I want to learn more about the Hyuuga clan and just for once, I would love to see their clan be in the spotlight. I am really hoping Kishimoto does a flashback (as much as I hate them) just so I can know what happened with Kakashi’s fight and Hiashi’s fight with his brother. I wanted Neji to see his father and to be able to see his reaction, but…I guess we have to either wait or never find out.

I am still wondering what Karin did to Sasuke without him knowing, apparently Suigetsu knows, and Kishimoto has been asked about it, but will not reveal it.

She either kissed him or did something weird.

Either way I am not a Sasuke x Karin, Sasuke x Sakura, Sasuke x Ino…let’s just say I only like Sasuke with one person.

This picture was made for me by fionacanaj on deviantART
Yes, I am a SasuHina fan.

Speaking of Sasuke let me talk about him for a while. Sasuke has really turned…well. He is literally insane in the membrane to me right now. I understand that he has been through a lot in his life, but come on. It took Shikamaru, what, a few days to get over his revenge and it has taken Sasuke years? Someone needs to take some notes from Shikamaru. I can see why Sasuke is the way he is and sometimes I can sympathize with his characters, but come on Sasuke, really. It is not that serious to want to kill everyone in Konoha. I could see if he just focused his anger on Danzou. However, he still is not satisfied and wants more revenge. He is letting his rage control him and now he is lost deep in darkness. You could see the wheels turning in his during the incident with Karin/Sakura, when he attempted to kill them both.

“I finally… I finally got my first bit of revenge for Itachi… it’s like the disgrace of the Uchiha clan is being cleansed. Like I’m separating the Uchiha clan from the rotten ninja world. You might even say it’s what Konoha always wanted. You always repudiated the Uchiha clan, so now we will disappear from your memories just like you always wanted. When I kill everyone in Konoha! By severing the bond, we will be purified! That will be the true revival of the Uchiha clan!” – Sasuke Uchiha

“If you think I’m just a foolish kid ruled by his emotions, that’s fine. Following Itachi’s path would be childish, the whispering of fools who don’t know hatred. If anyone else tries to ridicule the way I live, I’ll slaughter everyone they ever cared about. And then maybe they’ll understand what it’s like to taste… a little of my hatred.” – Sasuke Uchiha

Yeah, Sasuke has really changed. At this point, I honestly think the only person who would have a chance changing his path is Itachi. I know Itachi left Sasuke up to Naruto, but come on, you know Itachi and Sasuke are bound to run into each other, and what do you know? The two Uchiha brothers crossed paths, in the recent Naruto chapter 575.

I really hope that Itachi tries to talk Sasuke out of what he is doing. I would be mad if Itachi sees Sasuke and continued on his own path. Naruto has already tried talking to Sasuke plenty of times before. I think Itachi is one of the only people who could calm Sasuke down. However, the fight between Sasuke and Naruto is bound to happen regardless if Sasuke tones his behavior down or not. In my honest opinion, I think that the Sasuke vs. Naruto fight will come before another big fight, possibly Naruto vs. Kabuto. Kabuto to me is the true villain of the series. Maybe after Naruto and Sasuke’s fight they would team up together to fight someone else, because I highly doubt Naruto will die (I mean, come on, if he dies what is the use of the series being called Naruto anymore?) I used to think Sasuke would die…I am still on the fence about it now. Someone probably will die from the rookie nine, if someone did, my guess would be between Sasuke or Sakura. I could be wrong though…@o@

I could have continued on about other things, but I’ll end it here and save the rest for another entry.

Twitter rant goes viral: Jenny Hyun

I’m pretty sure everyone has heard the story on Jenny Hyun already, and if not, well I’m here to explain the details of what happened on February 16, 2012. Yes, I’m aware that I’m days late on this situation. However, I wanted to collect my thoughts on how to broach this subject. Honestly, I’ve never heard of Jenny Hyun previously. For those, who were like me and did not know who she was, she is a songwriter for an all-girls group in Korea. I’m not apart of the K-Pop bandwagon, so I am very much in the dark about kpop, besides Big Bang, Rain, Nemesis and BoA. Other than that, I’m clueless towards anything in relation to kpop.

So just exactly what did Ms. Jenny Hyun do that caused an uproar with not online black people, but other nationalities as well. She went on a Twitter rant after Floyd Mayweather made a racial comment about Jeremy Lin. Enraged by his comment, Jenny took to Twitter and decided to make a few racist comments herself directed to Floyd. However, her comments were taken to a level that was beyond anything else. Her racist comments were so bad, that it caused people to want to have her blacklisted. If you’re curious as to just exactly she said, just look below:

Oh yeah, she definitely went there. Her comments were not only rude and disrespectful, she basically wished genocide for all black people! Seriously, this woman is just plain right-out insane. Clearly, this has been something that she probably has managed to repress for years, and Floyd’s comment about Lin unleashed an hideous racist monster inside Jenny Hyun.

She should have taken her own advice in this situation, but clearly she probably never meant this in the first place after her Twitter Racist Rant.

After the rant went viral and everyone heard about it, people were not too pleased with Hyun. The songwriter decided to issue out an apology to the “black community”, however, her apology was not really a very honest apology, or even considered an apology at all period.

Yes, that right there is her so called public, rather “online” apology that she made. Is it me, or does that NOT look like an apology? This woman does not give two pennies worth of what she said. Even had the audacity to say that she does not regret her words, pretty much stating that she is in fact racist against black people. I am black and I can honestly tell you that rather if this were comments against black people, white people, native american’s or any other race, this would still bother me. Discrimination against any nationality is very wrong to me. It bothers me that people can be so close-minded. When will people be able to open their eyes and see that we are all the same, just different skin tones? I suppose the time something like that happens it would be years from now.

Eventually, Jenny was admitted into the “hospital” and this statement was released to the public,

“Jenny Hyun has been admitted to a hospital today. She is a paranoid schizophrenic and has been battling mental illness, a debilitating disease for many years.
Friends and family of Jenny want to extend their sincere apology for any harmful statements made verbally or via the web that Jenny has made while she was in the height of a psyshosis episode. We appreciate your understanding during this difficult time for her.”

It’s hard for me to believe that this is true. For some reason, whenever a celebrity says or does something unorthodox they are soon admitted to the hospital for treatment and shortly after an apology much similar to this is issued out for the public. So, I honestly do not know what to think of that aspect of this mental illness. It’s very obvious something is wrong with her, but this woman showed her hatred for black people, which was probably always there and it finally unleashed.

In the end, I’m sure Jenny Hyun won’t have much of a career after this incident.

This is also posted in my new personal blog, which you can find here —-> Click Me~!

Comments deleted

I didn’t know if you delete the comments in your account that means you’re deleting the comments that were posted in your blog @0@ I know now not to delete the comments in my account. So sorry for those who have comment me and notice their disappeared comment. Dx

Hello! Welcome to my blog! My name is Brittney, but my alias online is either “Brittney Canna”, “Momo Canna” or “Panda Ninja”. Feel free to call me either of the names or my real name if you prefer. I am 23-years-old and attending college. I am undecided rather I want to major in Film or Japanese. Either way, one will be a major and the other a minor. Music, movies and books are my second love. Since my childhood, I have always been an HUGE movie buff. There is a lot I know about movies and upcoming movies (even if it is not coming out until years from now). I am into the Japanese and Chinese culture. My Japanese skills are proficient enough, but I need to brush up on my skills because I am becoming rusty. ^^;

Here at my blog, you will find topics:

Personal entries

Movies/Music information
AMBW (Asian men and Black women)
And much more~

I love meeting new people and would hope to become blog friends with other bloggers! Feel free to comment my blog and I will check out your blog too! If it interests me, I may even follow it!

About me questions~

~When were you born?

I was born on October 25, 1988

~Do you have a favorite color?

Black, red and blue

~What is your nationality?

I am African American, mixed with other nationalities, but mostly black. 😛

~How tall are you?

I am very short!  5’1 ( TДT)

~What type of music do you listen to?

I will listen to anything that catches my attention, but I mostly like rock, alternative, jrock, jpop and american pop.

~Who is your favorite band?

UVERworld!!! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・

~Do you have a celebrity crush?

James Franco is my number one celebrity crush ;////; 
I also like Miyavi, Jank Hyuk and Jesse McCartney. 

~Who do you admire?
Bruce Lee
Anna Tsuchiya
Ai Yazawa
Alfred Hitchcock

~How proficient are you in Japanese?

Basically, my Japanese is not very good.  (┳Д┳)
But studying is the key in getting better!

More questions to come later~!