Category Archives: novel

Novel progress

19989 / 50000

Above you see my progress bar of how much I have written so far for my novel. This bar will be updated over the course of time, until I reach my goal 50,000 word count. I’m currently working on chapter five. My goal for each chapter is to at least past 2500 words. However, for chapters two and three, I did not meet my word count goal. Most likely I will once I go back and edited it once again. Because this is in fact my second draft. The first draft had over 91,000 words. It took me over five months to complete it.

There are other novels that I would like to work on, but I noticed that when working I like to focus on one story at a time. So the others will be worked on after I finish working on what I have now.

Romance novel

I’m seriously thinking about making a romance novel. It’s something that I wouldn’t have wanted to do, but after some serious thinking, I found myself wanting to create that type of genre. Without any fantasy/action/adventure/special abilities added into the story. Just romance. Well…maybe a mild case of action, but that’s about it. Most likely it would be a love triangle, because I find those to be the most interesting to write about.

After I finish this draft of my novel, I’ll probably work out some ideas for it. In the meantime, I have other stories that I must finish after the one I’m working on currently.

Moving along steadily

I’m currently working on chapter four of Raison D’etre. On Saturday, my plan was to complete at least two chapters that night, but something came up and I didn’t have the chance to do that. So yesterday I completed chapter three, had gotten tired ad told myself I’ll work on chapter four today, which is what I’m currently doing.

I might include part of chapter one on here so people can view it. However, I will not be doing this anytime soon. Most likely when I have at least twelve chapters finished I will be doing that.

I’ve finally came up with a good plot!

So after spending a few hours thinking of a plot, I’ve finally thought of one! The general idea follows an organization who goes about recruiting members with special talents. The mild summary here is very vague on my part. ^^; Sorry about that. I just didn’t want to give away too much without spoiling the story. The point is that I have an idea, and I’m starting on building it on up right now.

The title will remain the same, because I cannot simply throw out that title, because I love it too much. xD

On a side note, I really need to start thinking of creative titles for my blogs @o@

Novel dilemma

I am in quite the dilemma here, and it is starting to become quite frustrating. As you all may or may not know, I have started on my second draft of my novel—originally titled “Liberation”— and I’ve reached chapter three of the draft. However, I have been thinking for the past three days now that I should change the concept of the story. It will remain fantasy, but I am thinking about changing the paranormal aspect of it. The first draft covered the tale of grim reapers. This second draft is about three paranormal hunters. To be quite honest, I do not think I could handle covering different tales of mythical creatures, demons and ghosts for various chapters.

Therefore, it had me thinking, I should change it into something else. I have no problem with starting over the second draft. I just need to think of a new concept. My three main characters, Molly, Roman and Haine—who were also in the first draft (with the exception Molly’s name was Momoko)—will still be in a love triangle. However, this love triangle does go all ways. You see, there is some one-sidedness included, as are most love triangles go. Molly loves Haine, Haine loves her back, whereas Roman is in love with Molly—his childhood friend—unfortunately, she is unaware of his feelings. Then there is Aero—Haine’s older brother figure (who is also a grim reaper), he will still be in this second draft and have the same personality as he had in the first draft. His role in the story is neutral, meaning he is not good nor is he bad. He fights who what he believes is right, rather it would be considered wrong or not. However, when it comes to Haine, he is quick to defend him in whatever the cause is.

Now how can I change this paranormal concept? Well I need to think of a good plot. Nothing is 100% original as we all know, but I would like something of my story to be original and different. The paranormal hunters would have been different, but I know I would not be able to pull it off for very long. Heck, I am currently at chapter three edits and I am stuck at what to write. Maybe I should build my own world. I like to do that, however it would be quite hard for me to describe this world and the towns, etc.

Here are a few of ideas that I am currently thinking about:
– Underworld
– Mass murderer who falls in love
– Exiled princess/or prince (this may or may not fall under the Underworld concept)
– Arranged marriage
– Taken place in the past (1900s, 1800s, so on)
– Assassins
– Mafia/Gangs of the supernatural
– Fantasy romance
Those are just a few ideas. However, the title my story will still match with the characters emotions and desires. However, I just need a concrete plot to build, which I do not currently have. What I am trying not to do is a story based in high school. My first draft was based in high school for the first half of the book, until graduation came.
I suppose I should clear my head before I actually start on anything. I will be sure to give any updates of any new changes that will come. 🙂

Character Profiles~coming soon!

I plan on making a journal entry giving a lengthy details of the characters of my novel. Most likely on here and DeviantART, I will post the three main characters backgrounds. However, once my novel is published I plan on making a wiki of all the characters, including for the basic concept/summary and etc of the story. It will be updated throughout all of the series for the book.

Originally there were going to be several books within the series. With much thought, I decided that several books would be too many. So there will only be three. However, there is a chance there would be a side story. I’ve already planned ahead on what the titles would be and the plot, this goes for the side story as well.

I’m not so much of a huge blogger, and I’m trying to get myself into it. It would explain why my entries are always so short ^^; I tend to blog more on dA, but I don’t like to worry my watchers with an overload of entries, lol.

Despite not having any followers (with the exception of one), I am still content with blogging here. 🙂

After I finish working on this series, I will be making a blasian story, which I have already started and used for NaNoWriMo this year. More info on that will be released soon~!

Desires of the Heart

Many people desire to have one thing or another, rather it’s a better job, new car, better drawing/writing skills, the list can literally go on and on. My book Raison D’etre, which translates respectively as “something one lives for” and “a reason for being”. It has a major connection with the characters and the story itself.

Currently I’m in the process of outlining, and will most likely start on chapter one later night, if not by tomorrow. I don’t have an editor just yet, but I do however, have one picked out. But she won’t be available to edit my novel until a few weeks. Until then I’m going to try to at least get out a few chapters completed so she could have something to look over, besides reviewing an outline.

This will mark my second draft for this novel, which had been originally titled Liberation and before that Death God Libery, oh the horror of those titles. I honestly love my new title. There are plans of making at least several novels in this series. And I already have someone who I plan on commissioning for a cover art, she’s an amazing artist on dA! But I feel a bit of uneasy and wary about marketing it myself, since it’s something I’ve never done before. I’ve been reading various blogs about how to market my book and book reviewers, etc, so I believe I know what to do. I just know it will be a lot of work, lol.

EDIT: This is an old post that was originally made on my wordpress account, which would explain why I stated that I hadn’t started working on the novel yet. ^^;

Still working on my novel

I really need to get in the habit of blogging more, especially when it comes down to marketing my book when I publish it. Nevertheless, I’m currently working on chapter two of Raison D’etre. I’m moving slowly, but surely. So far I have 3,503 word count. Chapter two isn’t starting off like what I planned. In all honesty, chapter one had gotten a bit too long and had to be continued in chapter two. So all plan for the original chapter two may be in chapter three, if not half way through the second chapter.

Raison D’etre is a paranormal/fantasy/romance novel. There are some moments of mild action, but I’m not very good at action scenes, so there won’t be too much of that. However there will be enough to satisfy people who don’t like to read too much action.

I plan on uploading a character profile of some of the main characters of the series. Though, I do not have character reference to all of the characters, just a few of the main ones-some of which were drawn by artist on dA.

On a side note, I’m thinking about deleting my wordpress. I’m hardly ever on it ^^;


So I’ve moved my info about my novel onto wordpress, though I may still have some information about it on here as well. I just started working on chapter one yesterday and I’m finishing it up now. The general idea of the story follows three paranormal hunters, who fight demons and other supernatural beings. The title of the story will have something respectively to do with the word “Ikigai”, which translates to “something one lives for” and “a reason for being”. Each character in my book has something that they wish to have or accomplish, which is the closely related to the title of the book.

The story is taken place in New Orleans. The reason why I chose this as the setting of my book, is because I wanted it to be taken place in the most haunted city in America. After doing some research, I found that New Orleans is one of the top haunted places in America. This is good for me, because by the story having something to do with paranormal, why not have the setting in the most haunted city?

So far I’m working on my first chapter as I’m typing this. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a chapter a day. Once completed I’ll need a lot of eyes helping me in editing my manuscript. So far I’ve found two people to help me. Also this will mark my second draft of my first novel “Liberation”, which is now titled something else, as I have stated earlier.

More update will be included here and/or WordPress. 🙂

Second draft!

So I’m working on my second draft for my novel “Liberation”. The title has been changed, new characters has been created, and a few old characters have been removed. Also the concept of the story is entirely different than what it had been previously.

Originally I had been thinking of maybe doing only three books for this series, but I decided to do more than that. The title has something to do with the word “Ikigai”, which literally translate as “something one lives for” and “a reason for being”. The title has a very deep impact on the characters and the plot. Each character in my story can relate to this word, rather they have something that they desire or want to accomplish.

So far I’ve been outlining the series in my notebook before I actually start working on the revamped version. Hopefully, I will be able to start working on chapter one by sometime this weekend. But I’m not 100% sure just yet. I’m thinking about making another blog dedicated to the book, so I can promote it in every way I can. I’ll be new to marketing, so we’ll see how things go.

Currently I have commissioned two artist on dA, two draw my characters from my novel. Once finished, I’ll post them on here for viewing pleasure. xD

Also I have twitter now! So if anyone is interested in following me, please feel free to do so. 🙂 The link is here —> Brittney_Canna