Monthly Archives: May 2012

Updates + Formspring + Videos~!!! \ ( o/_\o ) /

I normally do not upload any pictures of myself in my blogs, but I thought that I would do something different and show you guys me! It is a recent picture that I took of myself. In the background on my picture you can see some of my anime DVDs, lol. Anyways. Lately, I have been working on my novel. I decided to go back to my original plot and work on it. Currently, I’m rewriting chapter eight. If I keep at it, I should be finished sometime this weekend, if not by the end of the week. Distractions is my worst enemy, so we’ll see how that turns how. Haha. Lately, I have been watching PonPonPon dance cover over and over by Miume and Melochin. The dance is very cute to me and fun! I have been practicing it and with a little more practice I plan to upload it to my personal Youtube channel, which currently has 0 videos uploaded. ^^;
For those of the curious mind. This is the PonPonPon dance cover. It’s a really fun dance. I love their energy and how they keep smiling! 

I have stated in a previous entry that I am interested in doing dance covers. It would definitely help me get over my shyness and PonPonPon will most likely be the first dance I will do. If not then probably “OK” by Meg.

Meg – “OK
Kyary Pamyu PamyuPONPONPON

Also, for those who have Instagram, I have it as well! It’s “PonPonMomo“. I’m not very active there, but I will be soon. Feel free to add me there if you want! I also have a Formspring, which you can find here —> MomoxCanna

Let’s talk about something I haven’t talked about in a long time here. AMBW. Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve discussed that subject here. Probably…months? Anyways, in January I made a post here telling everyone of various ambw facebook groups I am apart of. I am still apart of those groups, but I am not very active in them lately. A thought did come across that maybe I should delete myself from a few of the groups. Don’t get me wrong, I am still a supporter of that relationship, but I have been so focused on my novel that I haven’t been commenting in any of the statuses. In the end, I decided to stay. Have I met anyone? Am I still single? T^T yes, I am. I do have kind of a small crush…. D: There is no way I could tell him anyways. And do you want to know the thing that sucks even more? He doesn’t live in Michigan. D: Despite how much I wish I were in a relationship, I need to realize to focus on myself for the time being and if the right one comes along, I will know. x)

I’m going to TRY and update my anime reviewing blog later this week. I’m really running behind schedule on that one. Most likely it will be a review of Zetman next.

There is so many things I want to do. D: It feels like I’m trying to do everything at once, lol.

  1. Complete my novel
  2. Learn how to play my guitar
  3. Start drawing again
  4. Continue studying Japanese (since I’m getting rusty)
  5. Update my deviantART more
  6. Update my abandoned fan fictions
  7. Get started on my product reviews for Influenster
  8. Finally learn to sing the lyrics to “Core Pride” (I have some of the lyrics down packed XD)
  9. Clean my desk (I can be lazy T^T)
My list would have been longer, but I decided that’s all I needed to share. Lol. As you can see there are a lot of things I want to accomplish. I’m hoping that I will be able to finish everything before my semester starts back up this fall, which will be late August. 
My novel comes first though! I really want to complete that more than anything. I’ll feel so more accomplished once I complete it. >3<

Korra + Bolin = Borra 
Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling

Burst of inspiration & updates.

Have you ever had a sudden burst of inspiration that suddenly hits you like a ton of bricks? This happens to me every once in a while. Sometimes I act on it and other times I simply ignore it. As of right now, I have a sudden feeling that I just want to write and draw. Nine times out of ten, I won’t draw today…maybe tomorrow…or maybe Sunday…or maybe…

Okay! I’m not sure exactly when I plan on drawing just yet! It will be soon though! Right now, I’m going to finish working on my novel. For those who follow my novel blog, you are probably aware that I am working on  completing my novel. I’ve been working on various books for a while now, but the one I’m currently working on I have started it a year and five months ago. Yes, it has been that long! The book has gone through a lot of rewrites. Thankfully, I have found the right plot for it and have been working on it for two months so far. 
Two very slow months…

I do not update this blog as much. My reasons? Well, if you want the honest truth…
  1. I forget to update. 
  2. I don’t know what to blog about. 
  3. A ghost named laziness takes over my body…T^T

Forgive me! I’ll try to update more often. I have even been lacking on my anime reviewing blog as well. I guess my motivation is draining. It’s hanging on for dear life for survival. 

Meanwhile, I have went on a book frenzy. I bought a few books some weeks ago. I can’t help myself whenever I see books. I’m like a kid in a candy store or something. Go ahead and call me a bookworm! I love books and I don’t care what people think about that! XD
The books I bought were “Born of Silence” by Sherrilyn Kenyon (I love her books!), “Eon” and “Eona” by Alison Goodman. “Eona” is book two of “Eon”. I haven’t started to read the last two yet, but I have started on “Born of Silence” and so far, so good. Then again, I might be biased because I am a fan of Kenyon’s books. 
I was thinking about changing my song on this page, but I love “Core Pride” so much that I don’t think I’ll be changing it anytime soon. UVERworld is the best band ever to me! Linkin Park used to be my number one favorite rock band, but they have dropped lower on my top favorites bands. What are my tops now?
  1. UVERworld
  2. Breaking Benjamin
  3. Queen
  4. Linkin Park
  5. Nickleback
There isn’t one UVERworld song that I don’t like. Their songs are all so awesome! 
Let’s move onto Gyaru, shall we? So, for a while now I have been contemplating about trying the Gyaru style. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, allow wikipedia to give you the sum of it:

Gyaru fashion is a type of Japanese street fashion that originated in the 1970’s. Gyaru is most commonly referred to as ganguro, but it is actually a subculture of gyaru. It was popular in the 1990’s, but shortly died out in the early 2000’s. Gyaru is a girly-glam style, breaking away from traditional standards of beauty by dwelling on the man-made (wigs, fake eyelashes,fake nails, etc). Gyaru fashion neither fit well with the Japanese traditional culture nor how the media portray ideals of Japanese women. It is often classified as a sign of youth rebellion. Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by having heavily bleached or dyed hair (mostly shades from dark brown to blonde), excessively decorated nails, and dramatic makeup.The makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner, fake eyelashes and cosmetic circle lenses so as to create the illusion of large, anime-like eyes. Extremist tend to get vivid color hair wigs, for example, neon pink or lime green.Clothing pieces for gyaru fashion differ depending on which gyaru style the individual chooses.

That, my dearies, is what Gyaru is. If you want more of a visual of what it is, then I would advice going to google images and type in the word “gyaru” there will be a wide range of various Gyaru styles that will come up. Oh yeah. There are different styles of this fashion. You have Gyaru-kei, Banba and Kogyaru just to name a few. The styles are all very different and unique in their own way. From reading different blogs about Gyaru, I decided that I wanted to attempt the style myself. I even joined a group on Facebook! However, there are a few things that comes with being a gyaru. One of the most important things is, apparently, you have to make your eyes appear big. This means circle lens and fake lashes. Now, I don’t think it is a MUST to wear those two items, but it is big part of this fashion. I’ve read that as along as you can make your makeup look really good, then you don’t have to add the lens and lashes. That can be good for someone like me, who doesn’t wear either one of those (the lens and lashes). The only thing is that I suck at applying makeup!

I’m such a beginner at makeup. So, I know that it would take me a very long time for me to even be considered a Gal. I do want to start my own style. Well…that didn’t really make much sense, lol. What I’m trying to say is that I’m trying to find my own style. I know what I like, but how can I corporate it into one?
Audrey Hepburn
Gwen Stefani
Anna Tsuchiya

The women above are people who I look to as my inspiration for fashion. I love their styles, and despite the differences in their fashion sense, they all have something that I like and something that sets them apart from each other and they are all fashionable women. 

You’re probably like, “Wait. I thought you were talking about Gyaru fashion? What does Twiggy have to do with that?” I’m getting there! Hold your horses! Lol. What I’m trying to say is, as much as I like Gyaru fashion, I do not know if I will do it justice. However, I do still like looking at the style. My favorite is the Gyaru-kei! Mostly because I love visual kei style. x)
I should definitely close my entry. It’s 10:58pm here in Michigan and I want to finish at least two chapters of my novel today, since I didn’t do one yesterday. D:
For those who are interested in following my novel blog, you can find it under my “Links” on the the sidebar of this blog. For the lazy people, click this link —->  Click Me~

Saiya – “Breeze

My Influenster Voxbox came!

✿ Influenster 

Confession. The Voxbox didn’t come today…it actually came a week ago. However! I am finally going to blog a bit about it. What is influenster? It is a website that sends you free products, from makeup to even snacks. Is there a catch? You know there is always a catch when the word “free” is involved. So, just what is this catch? It is product reviewing. Yep. That’s all. All you have to do is review the products they send you  through blogging or making a Youtube video. My method of course is blogging. If you review the products, they will continue to send you more free stuff, just as along as you review.

I came across this website when I was searching for something, I forgot what it was. D: Anyhow, it led me to Influenster. When you sign up for the website, you are asked to take a few surveys. You can take as many as you want, so you can be eligible for a voxbox. A voxbox is the box you will receive with products you are to review. In order to get the voxbox, you have to take the surveys so you can be chosen for the voxbox.

For my Spring voxbox, this is what I was sent inside the box. 

( ✖‿✖ )
I plan on reviewing the these products soon~! For now, this is it!
Until next time~! ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

Okashi Yummy: GIVEAWAY~!!!!

Click the picture to go to the entry for more information. x)
Blogger Ninoshka is having a give away on her blog for her 666 followers. She is offering a lot of  great goodies~! I definitely hope that I win, but I also wish everyone a good luck in the entry giveaway! If you are interested in all of the items she is including, check out the list below:

1 Eyemazing 501 Harajuku Doll by Kyary Pamyu 
1 Eyelash case for your new lashes :D!
1 Hello Kitty key cap
1 Hello Kitty bubble gum
1 Package of glue on nails
1 Bear envelope set
1 Dolly wink nail catalog  
Flower’s kiss candy XD nom nomz

Isn’t that awesome? I sure think so! This would mark the first time I have entered a giveaway, and considering that I’m a newbie Gyaru, I’m not expecting to win, lol. But here’s hoping that I do. Haha. 

Please check out Ninoshka’s blog. The giveaway ends on May 31st. So hurry up while you still have the time!!!

Forever 21, Yesstyle or Love Culture?

These three stores, I absolutely love their clothes. I must admit first that I have never bought any clothes from Yesstyle or Love Culture yet, but their clothes are just too cute~! ♡ 

Let me start by saying that I love fashion. I honestly do. However, with that being said, my clothes is lacking the spice that I like. Sometimes, I look through fashion magazines admiring the clothes and even some bloggers. I think to myself, “That’s a really cute outfit!” Most of the types of clothes I would like to buy, I wouldn’t want to waste my money on it if I never go out anywhere to wear the clothes.

If I were to buy a bulk load of new clothes, I want to be able to go out and wear my clothes, instead of being stuck at home wearing them. The thing is, I don’t really have anyone to  hang out with to do the sort of things I’d like to do. You know, like hanging out with friends and just having fun. Anyways, my point I’m trying to make here is that, I love clothes but I don’t have anything worth showing off. 

Let me start of with Forever 21. I love, love, loveeee this store! It’s one of my favorite clothing stores. I don’t get to shop her regularly, but when I do go I always have the hardest time picking out clothes, because there are so many awesome, cute clothes there!

Forever 21 is also listed as one of the non-Japanese Gyaru brands. I have yet to really try a Gyaru style, but I am very interested in attempting to try. Most definitely, I would be considered a newbie at the style, haha. Anyways, Forever 21 is a decent store. There clothes are considered to be trendy for young women, men and teenage girls for reasonable prices.
Now, let’s move onto another clothing store. Yesstyle. I really like their clothes as well, but I’ve never bought any clothes online before so I’m always iffy rather or not should I purchase from the website. Their clothes are so cute~! I already have a wishlist from the site, but like I said, I’m unsure of buying from the website. Here are some of their styles from their Tokyo fashion.
This is just too cute to me~!
Has anyone every bought any clothes from YesStyle before? If so, what was your experience with the company? Good? Bad? I’m just afraid if I purchase clothes there, the clothes won’t fit. It seems like such a hassle to go through the trouble of measuring myself to make sure the clothes would fit. I do know that I would need a small size for all my clothes, lol.
Up next with have Love Culture. I just discovered this clothing store earlier this year…or it could have been late last year. Either way, it was recent. The clothes there appear very colorful, yet trendy. It almost puts you in the mindset of Forever 21. I will show some examples of the clothes that are there below.
So, that is the basics of Love Culture. What store do you prefer out of the three? Or maybe you like another store more than the ones listed. The links to all three websites are listed below. Thank you for reading~!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – Pon Pon Pon

Future Youtuber? Hmm…

Lately, I’ve been thinking rather or not I want to make a youtube. Bare in mind, I already have a few Youtube accounts, but they are purely for AMV’s only. The only thing that’s keeping me from attempting to do it is my shyness. I’m very shy and the very thought that I would be making videos showing myself to the world makes me a bit nervous!

Then the thoughts of what type of channel should I make comes to mind. Last night, I was really thinking to myself if I were to make a personal Youtube account what I could do. Well, I’m not so good with makeup. In fact, despite being 23-years old, I’m horrible with applying on makeup since I’m a beginner. Then I thought maybe fashion. I love fashion, but I have nothing worth showing off. D:

So, basically, I was stuck in a rut and ultimately decided that I should just stick to blogging and forget about the Youtube account. However, dancing came to my mind after watching Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s video PON PON PON.

While watching it, I thought to myself, “That looks like it would be a fun dance to try.” At first I was thinking about trying her Candy Candy dance, but the hip hop part looks too hard for me to even attempt to try. D: If I were to make a new Youtube channel, the account would be me solely trying to attempt to do various dance steps from music videos. The dances will most likely come from Japanese music videos. I’m still extremely nervous to try, but I have to remember that I shouldn’t care what others will think, even if I were to get bad comments, at least people are watching~!
I’m not sure when I’ll start making a video, but I would need to practice some dances first before posting them. I plan on downloading a lot of music videos and putting them on a DVD so I can watch them on my TV for better viewing so I can see the dance moves more clearly and bigger, than watching it on my laptop. 
Has anyone ever thought about making a Youtube channel, but was too shy to make it? Or maybe you have a youtube channel already. What advice would you give to someone who is a beginner? 
Thank you for reading~!

Picture from Tumblr. 
Karmin Heartbroken

Black anime characters.

As a person who loves anime, I’ve always wanted to see characters of color as either a main character or even a side/minor character. It’s seemingly rare to see black characters in anime, at least from the ones that I have watched. Whenever I do see a character with darker skin I’m always surprised! Sometimes I think maybe the character could just be tan, as in Gyaru type of tan. Point in case, the picture below.

Three Tan Trio from Super GALS

However, I decided to do some searching of a few characters that appear to be black. The first couple that comes to mind are Junko Saotome and Kyosuke Takakura from Nana.

                                                     Kyosuke Takakura

Junko & Takakura
Junko Saotome

These two aren’t the main characters of Nana, merely acquaintances of Nana (Hachi). They only appear every once in a while, mostly whenever Hachi needs advice she normally goes to Junko for advice. Moving on, there are other characters that aren’t necessarily mainly characters, but side characters. I’m going to list a few of those characters below, along with a few main characters from various series.

Third Raikage 

Darker than Black


Nadia: Secret of Blue Water




Zeiram the Animation 



Jackie Tristan
Yoruichi Shihoin
Kaname Tosen

Michiko to Hatchin
Michiko Malando
Atsuko Jackson
Eureka Seven

Miyuki Ayukawa
There are a lot more to be listed, but I would have a super LONG list if I listed them all, haha. If you would like to add to this list within a comment feel free to do so! Or possible if you would like to add other nationalities within anime besides black, you can as well. I hope everyone enjoyed this entry.
See you next time~!!

Once again, another new layout~! Lol.

Picture from Tumblr

Yep, once again I changed my layout. I know that I change it a lot and say that it will be my final time changing it, but this time I really mean it. Why? Because I love the layout! Although I like Rin more, I couldn’t resist this Yukio layout. It’s so cute!
As of right now, my personal blog has now been deleted! All 14 entries that were in that blog have been transported into this blog, which makes this blog my new personal blog! Well…actually this was originally my personal blog and first blog all together, but I went a little crazy with making so many blogs. D: 
The blog will still consist of the general topics I had before, such as, ambw, fashion, music and so on, but I will also have personal entries as well. I hope everyone likes the new layout~!

Toph Bei Fong – Picture from Tumblr
Linkin Park Breaking the Habit

Facebook Annoyance

Picture from Tumblr

I left Facebook February 20th of 2012 and I recently came back sometime last weekend. Since I have been back, I don’t feel 100% satisfied. What I’m about to say may sound stupid, but I really want to release this and what a better way to do it than doing it on my personal blog? So here it goes nothing.

On FB, I have a group of friends that I used to be friends with since late January. This circle of friends meant a lot to me. They were my friends and I formed a close bond with them. However, after a while I started to feel slightly…jaded? ignored? Hmm, I can’t really find the right word for it, but basically I didn’t feel like belonged sometimes. When I did voice my opinions and how I was felt, sometimes my friends would tell me that I shouldn’t feel that way and other stuff I can’t remember. D: Anyhow, I really did feel that way, but I tried to ignore it and push my feelings to the side. Within this small circle of friends there were some that seemed to be closer with each other than the rest. Now, I assume that most of the time when you have a group of friends with more than six people, there will be at least two or three people that are closer with each other than they are with the others. For an example, you will have friends A, B, C, D, E and F. Now within this small circle, D, C and E might be closer with each other than the rest, despite everyone being close friends. I hope that sounded right.

Anyways, I noticed this within my circle of friends. If these people were to read this, they may disagree, but this is from my point of view and how I viewed things. Eventually, I got tired of a few things and wanted to leave FB. One of my reasons for leaving did have something to do with wanting to concentrate on school, but the other half had something to do with the circle of friends. Originally when I said I was going to leave, I believe a few of my friends assumed I wanted to leave because of the relationships that was brewing up between everyone and they assumed I probably felt lonely, or possibly jealous. When in fact, I honestly didn’t care what was happening between people, but I had mentioned to them something about it (the relationship thing). Maybe a few weeks or a month later, I eventually left FB. I had gotten annoyed by a few things on there and wanted to separate myself from the website.

Fast-forwarding, I came back to FB and when I came back I felt slightly…happy, but that changed eventually. I noticed that my “circle” of friends have grown distant with each other due to work and other stuff, but they have also made new friends. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the fact that they made new friends and all, but with some of my friends I didn’t feel…hmm, I don’t know how to explain, but things felt different. It’s not all of them that I feel this way with, it’s mostly just a few of them.

So, I told myself that I will make new friends. I still care about my circle of friends, even if things are no longer the same, but I don’t like this feeling and I think I would feel better if I made new friendships with new people.

I’ll just have to see what happens, so far it’s kind of hard for me to make friends on FB. Most of the time when I want to be friends with someone, I believe the person just thinks I’m only trying to do small talk and that’s it. I really want to meet new friends. D: *sigh* I’m really kind of sad about it…but there is nothing I can do. All I can say is that, as much as I value friendships and like to hold onto them for as long as I can, I have feeling in my gut that I will no longer be friends with a few of them. I almost regret coming back to FB 😦

Picture from Tumblr
Linkin Park Numb