Monthly Archives: April 2012

Tokyo Fashion

All pictures are from the website YESSTYLE. X3
Also, clothes that I am definitely adding to my wishlist! 

New makeup!

My new makeup~!

That’s all the new makeup that I recently purchased. I’m actually very happy with my small little collection. You see, I’m just starting to get into wearing makeup. I’m 23-years old and I started very late. T^T I was never really into makeup before and could go without it. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of makeup and fashion blogs and getting more interested in that sort of thing. Next thing I know, I’m buying makeup! It’s crazy! 
That Lancome product actually came free with a purchase I made on the website called Visionare, which I didn’t like and ended up returning to get a refund. I kept my free product though! It’s a facial cleanser called, “Creme Radiance”. It’s a good product, but I’m not so sure people would like the smell. It has a very strong perfume smell. I actually like the smell and it doesn’t bother me, but on the site that was one of the main complaints about this product. 
Other products you see in the picture are various different color eye shadows, facial scrub, body wash, and black nail polish. 😛 I’m currently not at home, so I can’t list the products by name, but once I go home I will list them. ^^
Now, I need to update my novel blog and continue working on my class assignment that is due this Sunday. @o@

Mashup / Jpop 
鈴木亜美 – ONE (Instrumental)
安室奈美恵 – CAN’T SLEEP
安室奈美恵 – Violet Sauce
安室奈美恵 – WILD
宇多田ヒカル – Flavor Of Life
清水翔太×加藤ミリヤ – FOREVER LOVE
キマグレン – LIFE
ISSA×Soulja – Breathe
JUJU with JAY’ED – 明日がくるなら
AI – STRONGER feat.加藤
ZEEBRA – Not Your Boyfriend feat.JESSE

New Playlist

I just recently changed my playlist on this page. There aren’t as many songs as the last one, this one only has four songs from No Doubt and Anna Tsuchiya. I’m a huge fan of both! I hope everyone enjoys the new playlist. 🙂

  1. Anna Tsuchiya – My Fate
  2. No Doubt – Don’t Speak
  3. Anna Tsuchiya – Lucy
  4. No Doubt – Hella Good
The majority of the songs I had on my playlist didn’t work, so I added a new song on there by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu! 

On a side note, I will start trying to update this blog soon. I’ve been very busy lately. My other blogs have been updated, so if you’re interested in checking them out, just click one of the links under “About” on the side panel of this blog. 🙂
Sorry for such a short entry. D:

You know what sucks? Everything dealing with homework.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Picture from Tumblr

Lately, I have been overloaded with homework and exams from my three classes. So overloaded that I haven’t had the chance to really work on my novel. This week, I’m planning on completing all of my assignments before they are due, just to get them out of the way so I can be free from it all for a while, lol. 
Most likely, I’m going to try to update my Nintastic blog and Panda Ninja blog. However, my novel blog will be definitely updated today for sure! So if you follow that blog, please look out for an update from it later today. 🙂


Nat Ho MV~!

Nat Ho!!!

This is a new MV by Nat Ho and I really liked it. For those who don’t know, Nat Ho is an actor in Singapore and is most known for his debut in the show called, “Honour and Passion”. He wanted to pursue a career in singing and I really admire him for accomplishing his dreams! It is something to be said for someone as determined as Nat Ho.

It’s one thing to continuously talk about doing something, but it’s another thing when you actually accomplish it and for that I commend Nat! He is getting a lot of hate for this video, from people who I assume could be just jealous. Regardless, he has his true supporters and I am one of them! I even told him so on Twitter and I honestly wasn’t expecting a reply, and even if it was a short reply, he did reply and that made me smile.

The video also features one of my favorite bloggers Xiaxue. I think Nat Ho is a very talented guy, extremely nice and quite handsome as well! ;3; I wanted to feature this video in my blog, so please everyone enjoy and support his music video, Unleashed~! 

Music video of the week!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 


For those who don’t know this is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. She started off as your awesomely fashionable fashion blogger and then blew to fame when she began her professional career as a model for Harajuku magazines. Since then she has launched her a line of eyelashes called, “Harajuku Doll Eyelashes by Eyemazing x Kyary” In July of 2011, she launched her music career and released her first single titled, “PonPonPon.” 
April 4th 2012, Kyary released her second single “Candy Candy”, which happens to be this weekend’s “Video of the Week” for my blog! So please check it out! 


Sometimes, I feel as though I fail as a blogger. I don’t blog as much as I would like to, and when I do I feel that my entries aren’t interesting enough. So, to keep myself interested in blogging I decided to try to make multiply blogs of themes that interest me.

  1. Panda Ninja is Love – This is my Asian inspired blog, which was originally my first and only blog. The blog started off very random. It was basically about my daily life. Then I felt as though the blog should be about a specific topic. So, I made it my AMBW blog (Asian Men + Black Women). I’m a supporter of ambw, so I figured that the blog should mainly consist of that. I did have one entry that was about Naruto >3> but eventually, I decided to change it once more into an Asian inspired blog, which happened recently. I’m still not 100% satisfied with this newer version of this blog yet…
  2. Brittney Canna – This blog is for my novels. Inside my Panda Ninja blog, I was posting some entries about my novel, but I felt it would be better to separate that from my personal entries. 
  3. Nintastic Reviewer – This is my newly made blog that I made for anime reviews. I’m a huge fan of anime and manga (even though I don’t watch much anime as I used to, I still know a lot about various ones ;u;) and I wanted to make a blog reviewing and discussing various anime, manga and anime related products. 

I did have another blog (besides this one, which has become my new personal blog), but I deleted it. The other blog was going to be a fashion blog dedicated to the Japanese fashion trend that I am very fond of. Out of all of these blogs, I find that I barely update them regularly like I should. Also, another thing that I feel terrible about is the fact that I rarely comment on blogs that I follow. 😡 In order to get my blogs out there and to make blogging friends, I should comment on blogs more often. >_<

Anyways, I made multiple blogs in order to be more organized, instead of having random posts in a single blog, which is something I started off doing. Now, I’m starting to regret making all of these blogs. I should have just left it the way it was. However, I’m going to leave things the way it is and continue on blogging and really making an effort to blog more often.

Gintoki from Gintama (picture from Tumblr)

Tatu – “All about Us”

I’m going to start posting music videos at the end of my posts on this blog, along with a picture or GIF. ^_^

Inspiring styles

There are a lot of various styles that I would love to try out. One of my biggest influences when it comes to style is Anna Tsuchiya and Gwen Stefani. 
Gwen Stefani – picture from Google Images
Anna Tsuchiya – photo credit Orphen

Both women style ranges from rocker to even sophisticated. Lately, I’ve been looking at various styles from Popsister,Tokyo Fashion and YESSTYLE. Here are a collection of a few that I like.

I mostly like the second look to the left ;3;
There are so many other styles that I am fond of that I’ll like to try. Sometimes my sense of style can be rather…random. I also like Lolita Classic! I think some of the dresses are so cute >3< It always reminded me of Victorian style. 
Lolita Classic

I plan on attempting to go on a shopping spree soon and buy some of the styles I’m interested in. Most likely I would go to my favorite clothing store Forever 21! I’ve never bought any clothes online, so I’m not so sure if I should, especially if the size turns out to be completely too big for me than I originally thought. I have a very small body and could probably fit a size 12 in children’s pants ;u; Yes, as you can tell I’m very petite! 

My anime reviewing blog!

This is so cute >3< Any Naruto fans, must watch the new Rock Lee anime!

So, I’ve officially started the anime reviewing blog and posted my very first review of the latest Naruto chapter. If you want to check it out, you can do so by clicking this link here: Nintastic Reviewer. I really love the banner for the blog, mostly because it’s Nana and I love that anime and manga! The blog will be mainly various topics revolving around anime/or manga in general.

If you are a fan of anime or manga, feel free to check it out! 
Thanks for reading~! 
I haven’t finished watching the above anime in so long @o@ I’m very behind. It’s called Persona 4, for those who didn’t know. ^^

Final new design and updates.

Yes, I’ve changed my look for the third…fourth, fifth time? Well, I’ve changed it so many times that I can’t remember what number change this one is, lol. Let’s just say that I’ve changed it many times. If you remember from my last entry, I explained how I was thinking about making a Fashion blog. I did actually make one, but I deleted it and decided to make this the fashion blog. This blog will still feature ambw talk (Asian men + Black woman), and I will also talk about other things in relation to the Asian culture, from fashion, music, movies and so on. 

There will be no other changes to this blog as far as what topics will be discussed here, because I’ve changed it so much already.  
I’ve also added some music to this page! The songs include the list below:
  1. Final Fantasy X – Kiroro – Suteki da ne
  2. Linkin Park – Numb
  3. The Cranberries – Zombies
  4. Tatu – All About Us
  5. Ayumi Hamasaki – No More Words
  6. Skye Sweetnam – Tangled
  7. Morning Masume – I wish
  8. Rihanna – Umbrella 
I hope everyone enjoys the music I selected to be on this page. It may change overtime, but for now those songs are staying. 🙂
I love Kida! (not as much as Izaya and Shizuo, but close enough :P)
So, I hope everyone likes the NEW look and songs! I know I’m not that good with updating my entries, but I’m going to try to start updating when I have the chance! School is overloading me. D: Luckily, next month will be my last month for this semester! And…
I’ll Be free!
                                                                                     To do what I want! 

And have a good time!!! Woo~!

 Anyways, I’m going to officially start the next entry sometime this upcoming week to get things started! Thank you for reading and please tell me your thoughts on the new look. Do you like it?