Monthly Archives: March 2012

Name Change

I’m thinking about changing my blogger name. As much as I like Panda Ninja, I’ve been thinking about other names I could go by. Or maybe I should stick by my name…it’s really a tough decision. @o@

The majority of names I have come up with either have “Canna” or “Chou” in the title.

Do you think I should keep my name or think or a different one?


This picture has nothing to do with the entry. I just like it, plus I’m a fan of Naruto!;3;
Thinking of a good name can be frustrating >_<

Japanese Fashion Blog and Anime Blog?

Okay, I’m a huge fan of Japan’s fashion, particularly gyaru/gal-shibuya-kei and classic lolita fashion. There are so many fashion sites geared these styles, such as, PopTeen, Ranzuki, Egg, Mary Magdalene, and so on. So, I’m in the process of thinking rather or not should I make a Japanese fashion blog.

The blog will mostly feature various looks that interest me, look of the week, trend of the season, certain looks vs. another look, celebrities in Japan (actors, singers and so on), polls and etc. This has been something I have been wanting to do for a while now, but I haven’t due to wondering if I had the actual guts to do it. Yes, I am slightly nervous about making a fashion blog. For me, fashion is something that I like when it comes to a style I’m fond of, but my wardrobe is anything but fashionable. T^T Despite this, I know a good look when I see it! 

Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a fan of anime and manga, especially the above picture of Nana (which happens to be both one of my favorite anime and manga). I was thinking, maybe I should make a anime/manga review blog. Having discussions about various anime and manga that I have read and plan to read, also maybe some anime products as well. This would be very easy for me to write about and I’d have no problem doing so, plus it would help me learn how to write better reviews. 

Currently, I am managing three blogs, all are under my name Panda Ninja. I would be keeping my name, but if I do happen to change the name, it would be Momo Canna. That is also my Formspring username. Momo means peach in Japanese, and the word Canna is apart of a lily flower (ex. yellow lily canna, white lily canna, red lily canna, so on). Plus, I also use the word “canna” apart of my name ^^; 

I did have a facebook, which was also name “Brittney Canna”, but I deactivated it. Brittney is my real name, though. As you can see there are a lot of the same usernames being used, but mostly all ending with the word “canna”. XD

Anyways, I’m straying off topic ^^; Even though, I have three blogs already, (ambw/asian related, novel, and personal blog) I really want to make these two blogs >3< That will be five blogs to manage! Will I be up for it? Mostly likely it’ll take me awhile to get it started up, but I’ll be ready for it. I plan on setting up the blogs this weekend, and when I post my first entry for them I’ll be sure to post a entry in all three of my current blogs to alert my readers! 

Any suggestions for good titles for these blogs?

Walking Dead season Finale! Whoa.

Can I just say…wow! And I thought the Dale episode was the best episode of the season!The last two episodes were by far the best! I know that I’m very late in discussing the recent episodes, but I’ve been busy and didn’t get a chance to watch the episodes until today! What can I say, lol.

Anyways, getting back to what I was saying. The episodes were really intense! Let’s talk about Shane for a bit.

Shane has changed progressively over the seasons until he reached his very demise in the recent episodes. 
What confused me was the fact that Shane was not bitten or scratched. He was stabbed in the heart and then shortly after his death he turned into a Walker. I was sitting there watching it like…”Huh? Wait. What is going on?” I was so lost! @o@ To be honest, I really liked Shane’s character, despite his craziness. I wasn’t ready to see him die just yet. I expected to see him make it until the end. Shane’s character really was killed off in the first chapter in the comic, but he survived longer on the show. He did stir up the drama, but I just liked him so much! ;3; Sadly, his death didn’t have the same impact to me as Dale’s death had. I think the only character whose death will get to me like Dale’s death is Glenn. I hope he doesn’t die! I’d hate to see that happen. >_<
R.I.P Shane.

Now, moving on to Rick! He is another person who has been slowly changing within this recent season. He went from a guy who had high standing morals to…well, almost another Shane, if not worst. In my opinion. He killed two men, when he used to say all the time before,”We don’t kill the living!” and then when Dale questioned him about it, Rick merely made the statement that things are changed. And what even made things worst to me is when he killed Shane by stabbing him in the heart. 

I couldn’t find a decent picture of the actual part him killing Shane, so the first picture will do since it’s the same scene. Anyways, Rick’s change is slowly affecting the now “broken” group. He confessed by yelling at everyone that he killed Shane, not only shocking everyone, but Carl cried. I have a feeling no one will trust him after that incident. 
All in favor as Daryl as new leader, say I. 

I know what you are probably thinking. “Huh? No way!” But, I think Daryl would make a great leader for the group! He has been overlooked, treated as Rick’s new “henchmen” words from Carol in the last episode. He normally is in the background of things and doesn’t say too much when it regards what he is thinking and tends to only say something depending on the situation or if someone asks. I believe if Daryl becomes more vocal, he’ll make an excellent choice for leader. If not him then…well, on second hand, just Daryl. I think Second in command could be someone like T-Dog, who is someone I tend to forget is even on the show half of the time >_<Give the guy more screen time! I would say Andrea would also make a good second in command, but Andrea was left behind because they assume she is dead! And Rick stated that if she is still alive she wouldn’t be where everyone left her and it wouldn’t make sense to go back for her. Don’t get me wrong, I think Rick is a great leader, but as of lately his choices and actions can be questioned.

Edit: 3/30/12: Okay, I made a big mistake when I said that! I’ve never read the comic before, so I was just going by what I watch on AMC, but after reading the character profiles last night I realized…maybe Daryl isn’t a good choice for leader. ^^; I really need to read the comic…

I’m really really anxious for the next season because I want to know who the person is who saved Andrea. The person reminded me of some sort of Samurai Ninja or something the way she swung the sword and even carrying around Walkers like some sort of pets! 
I could type on and on about the last two episodes, but it’s late right now and I’m tired, ^^; I sort of sense some Daryl/Carol going on o.o; or it could be my imagination. Also, at first I wasn’t into the Glenn and Maggie relationship, but I’m more inclined to it now. That doesn’t mean that I still don’t wish a new girl shows up and likes Glenn…because I do >_> But Glenn seems faithful, so I wouldn’t want any discomfort or stress to be added on for him, lol. 
What did you think about the last two episodes? Or the entire season? Any thoughts on Rick’s change? Shane’s death? Andrea’s separation from the group? The mysterious sword lady? Anything you’d like to talk about feel free to do so. Anonymous comments are welcomes as they always are!
I just know whatever happens in the next season, I don’t want to see Glenn die ;3; He is my favorite on the show >3<
I so have a celebrity crush on Steven Yeun. He’s just so cute! ;3;
Although he was born in Korea, he was raised in the same city as me~!
☆*:.。. o()o .。.:*
Also please check out The Blasian Narrative‘s blog about the sword-wielding new character! 

Dazzle Vision and my-Butterfly!

Has anyone heard of the jrock band “Dazzle Vision”? If not, allow me to introduce you to one of their songs!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Yesterday, I was listening one of their songs that I really like. So I decided to tweet to them that I was a fan, and look what happened!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I was so happy they replied back! If you have not heard of them please check them out. Dazzle Vision is a very talented group with a talented vocalist!

Another band that I am fond of replied back to me as well once. Their name is my-Butterfly! The staff of the group follows me on Twitter and will often retweet or respond back to me if I mention the group. The lead singer Chiaki responded back to me once before as well! Below is a picture of my-Butterfly

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The vocalist of this group is also very talented as well. I admire both Chiaki and Maiko voices >3<! I was reading in a interview once that Maiko is a fan of anime just like I am, and it made me wonder what could be her favorite one.

Please support both groups if you are a fan of jpop/jrock! They are both very talented groups which I really like~!

Now only if Miyavi, Ayumi or Steven Yeun would tweet/retweet/ or follow me >3> That would make my day ;3; 

Anna Tsuchiya – Is this Love? [PV]

As you may or may not know, I’m a huge fan of Anna Tsuchiya. She’s one of my favorite singers and I really admire her talent. Not only is she a singer, she is also a model and actress as well. I was first introduce to Anna during the time I started to get into the NANA anime. Anna sings for Nana Osaki’s character in the anime, and the songs that were sung by her were something that was of interest to me when it came to my taste in music. So I decided to check her out and I’m glad I did. Most of the songs that I have heard from Anna, I am a fan of. From, “Crazy World”, “Bubble Trip”, “Kuroi Namida”, “Virgin Cat”, the list just goes on. And now she has a brand new song called “Is this  Love?”

password via Anna no Lotus blog: annanolotus

Anna as Nana for her music video “Black Rose”
Nana Osaki from the manga NANA

As you can see from the pictures, there are some similarities to Anna and Nana. I’m a fan of both of them. Here are a few of Anna’s inspired music videos for the anime NANA.

“Black Rose”


“Kuroi Namida”

She is a very talented woman and I really admire her. She’s 28 years old, and has two sons. She has been married twice. He first husband died of heart failure and since then she has remarried to her stylist, who is three years her senior. Although, she has been in controversy in the past for her behavior and rude things she has said to people and about them, she’s still a favorite of mine and I will always be a fan and supporter of her and her music and acting career. She has starred in two movies that I have always wanted to see but yet to see. 


Both movies are based on manga, which I have never read, but both movies seem very interesting to me. Hopefully, I’ll one day take the time out to watch the movies if I can find it online, or maybe I’ll purchase it via, online on Amazon. 

Anna has also collaborated with another singer/rapper from Japan that I like named, AI, who I have mentioned in my previous post. AI, is a rapper/singer in Japan but she also speak perfect English and lives in California from what I’m aware of. 

Anna Tsuchiya ft. AI “Crazy World”

This song has a very catchy beat to it, that I like. It’s a mixture of pop and R&B. It was different to see Anna do a song like this because she is considered the Queen of Rock. However, she pulled it off well, plus with the help of AI, this song is the best to me!

Even though this post is about Anna, I would also like to feature one of AI’s songs. 

AI feat. Miliyah “Stronger”

AI feat. Snoop Dogg

Before closing, I’d like to show various songs of Anna that I also like. ^^

“Master Blaster” ft. Yoko Kanna and Miyavi
(Yoko and Mayavi don’t appear in the video, but they collaborated with the song)

“Bubble Trip”


“Brave Vibration”

I would include more, but I don’t want to overload the entry with Anna videos XD Are you a fan of Anna? If not, who are your favorite singers from Japan or perhaps you have a favorite singer from another country or your very own country. Please feel free to discuss! 🙂

New Look

I’ve changed the layouts of both this blog and my novel blog today. I’m still so-so with the turn out of this one. Don’t get me wrong, I like it. I’m just not fond of the background. Originally there was no background, so I added in the picture you see now, which I find to be drawn beautifully. However, I couldn’t get it to fit the entire background, so on the left side, I added in the black background. 😐 I may go back and change it soon…when I’m not being so lazy ^^; I’ve also added in a tab listed “video of the week.” Each week I will have a new video added to this blog, and the same goes for my novel blog~!

I plan on changing my personal blog, but I’m not sure when I’ll get around to that, due to homework that I need to complete @o@

Besides this tidbit of news, there is nothing else I could add. Sorry this entry is so short, lol. 

Hallyu Wave

If you are like me, someone who is clueless to the majority of kpop music, then you probably don’t know what the term “hallyu wave” is. Allow me to do you the pleasure explaining what that term is with the help of Wikipedia:

“The Korean Wave refers to the spread of South Korean culture around the world. The term was coined in China in mid-1999 by Beijing journalists surprised by the fast growing popularity of Korean entertainment and culture in China. The Korean wave is responsible for the $4.2 billion dollars of revenue in 2011 for South Korea through cultural exports.”

Lately, all I’ve been seeing people talk about is kpop. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Korean music, because I do like Nemesis, a Korean rock band that was recommended to me by a Korean friend from facebook. However, I am sorry to say, I am tired of the Hallyu Wave. There are some kpop fans that are just so extreme about it that it is overwhelming. I hear about BIG BANG practically every day, among a few other Korean musicians that I do not know about. To be truthfully honest, I am a fan of JRock and JPop. But kpop seems to be becoming more and more popular. It’s all happening so fast, that it’s almost hard to keep up.

Before I deactivated my account on facebook, the majority of my friends were all kpop fans. I would always be so lost when they start talking in kpop terms and mentioning people who I had no idea who they were. I’ll admit, I tried, really, really, really tried, to get into kpop. I would ask my Korean male friend for recommendations on various songs, but his taste was so similar to mine when it came to what genre of music that we like, that he introduced me to a lot of Korean rock bands and less kpop. And, honestly, I liked the bands he introduced me too. However, Nemesis is the one that grabbed my attention the most.

So a few Korean music groups have come to America and performed. From what I’m aware of Big Bang came here for a music video and 2ne1 is working with and SNSD performed on Live with Kelly Ripa.

SNSD performing

I did not see this performance when it aired, but did see a bit of it online. Kpop is really reaching to the top and all of their supporters are really excited by this. Please don’t confuse me for some grouchy anti-kpop person, because I’m not. I have no problem with kpop music, I am just not that much of a fan like most people are. I can’t see myself jumping on the kpop bandwagon anytime soon. But! I will admit that I am a fan of Jay Park’s most recent song. 

Jay Park, “Know Your Name”

This video also features a bit of ambw, even though the girl isn’t in the video for very long. I liked the song so much, that I added it to my mp3 on my phone. 
Besides Jay Park’s new song and the band Nemesis, as I’ve stated before, I am clueless to Korean music. My favorite artists are people like UVERworld, Anna Tsuchiya, AI, Ayumi Hamasaki and Yui. As you can see they are all jrock/pop musicians. Maybe I’m coming off a little biased because I like jrock/pop more compared to kpop when it comes to the hallyu wave, but these are merely my opinions and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yes? 
What are your thoughts on the Hallyu Wave? Are more of a kpop fan than jpop/rock or vice versa? Or maybe you don’t care for either music genres. Please list your thoughts! All opinions are accepted, just as long as no one bashes or anything.

The Walking Dead – Episode 11

I’m a HUGE fan of the Walking Dead. It’s one of my top favorite series that’s on television now. The drama, suspense, horror, a love triangle between a husband, wife and best friend, thrills, and most of all let’s not forget the awesome ZOMBIES! This show is everything wrapped up into one big package. And I love every bit of it.The characters interactions with each other is one of the key elements of the show. How will they survive in a world that has literally turned into the most famous quote: “Survival of the fittest.” It has been one heck of a roller-coaster ride for the group and a lot has happened since season one. A lot of deaths, people disbanding from the group, a lone brother who was left behind, Sophie’s disappearance and then being found as a zombie. However, what really got to me was the death of Dale.

Truthfully honest, I knew that it was going to happen sooner or later. I didn’t want it to happen, but I had a feeling it would. When Dale died the tears started building up in my eyes and the next thing I knew it was waterworks for me. It’s crazy because I’m the last person to ever cry over a television show or movie! Quite embarrassing to admit, may I add, but it’s the truth. I cried when Dale died. To me, Dale was the voice of wisdom for everyone. He was wise. Even though he may not have spoken out on certain things that have happened between people within their group, Dale was observant. He knew what was going on behind the scenes. He could see how Shane was starting to change, (back when Shane held the gun in his hand from the season one and pointed the gun at Rick in the woods. Dale was there to catch him), I’m pretty sure he put two and two together about Lori and Shane, and the list goes on.

He is a character that would be missed. I can only imagine how Andrea will take it in next week’s episode. Out of everyone, she was the closest to Dale. In a way, he became some what of a father figure to her.

He offered her advice when she needed it, and guidance. Despite the time they had a mild rift int their relationship, which happened shortly after the death of Andrea’s sister. I have a feeling that Dale’s death will cause a serious change in her personality. After all, she lost her parents, sister and now Dale.

What really made me kind of mad in this episode, is two things. Carl and the torture/death sentence of that kid. Carl’s personality had changed since the entire Sophia incident. In the beginning, he was such an innocent yet curious child. However, in the most recent episodes, you can tell that he is slowly turning cold. I believe that his father’s sheriff “hat” he has been wearing isn’t helping the situation any better, lol. The very same zombie that attacked Dale just so happened to be the exact zombie that Carl was bothering earlier on in the episode. So in a way, if Carl never walked off with Darryl’s gun into the woods and decided to bother the zombie by throwing rocks at it and so on, the zombie would have never escaped where he was stuck. On a side note, I have a feeling Darryl’s missing gun will eventually come back to haunt Carl.

Now the torturing of that boy. That bothered me so much throughout the entire episode. I could not see why they were going to murder him. I sided with Dale’s voice of reason for the entire episode. I was mad that no one was with him, with the exception of Andrea. I thought for sure Glen, Maggie or Darryl would step in and disagree with killing him, but they didn’t. I was sitting there the entire time watching like

 It seriously bothered me!

Regardless, this was by far one of the best episodes of this season. There are only two more episodes left for this season. What do you think will happened? What did anyone else think about this episode? What were your feelings about Dale or thoughts on anyone else?