Monthly Archives: December 2011

The Black-Chinese woman Lou Jing

I just recently heard the story of Lou Jing yesterday, and I must say that it is a very sad story, yet upsetting to hear as well. Lou Jing is of Black and Chinese decent, her mother Chinese and father African American. She’s 20-years old, and became one of the five finalist on a TV program in China called “Go!”. A lot of comments raised about her skin color, and how she did not look like what a true Chinese person should look like. She became the target for many verbal racist attacks because of her skin color. Other bloggers went as far as referring to her as xiaoheigui which translates as “Little black devil”. It’s very upsetting to hear that such racism in is China to result in something such as that.

However, Lou was not aware of what was being said about her until her friends contacted her and supported her through all of this. She has explained that it had been her first time experiencing such hatred racism remarks like this in her life. Lou received an internship offer from Shanghai television station Dragon TV after the show. She has since became a co-host of the show News Surfing Intelligence, a local Shanghai program. In an interview with the BBC’s Matthew Bannister, she remarked that racial discrimination is present in all countries of the world, but in China it seems particularly focused towards people of an African background due to the assumption that Africa is less developed. She said that she found it interesting children of mixed Chinese-white parents do not receive nearly as much negative attention. I believe this all racist remarks started when her mother explained the background of Lou on stage during Lou’s time on Go!

She explained on national TV that her daughter was the result of an affair she had with a black man, while being married to her Chinese husband. Her husband divorced her after he saw that their newborn child looked of African descent and not Chinese. Lou has been through a lot during all of this and I really feel for her. To go through something like this, I could only imagine how she must have felt after finding out about how racist people were against her darker skin. However, during this there were some people who supported and defended her, such as China Daily columnist Raymond Zhou, among several other media commentators in China. One was quoted saying

“In the same year that Americans welcome Barack Obama to the White House, we can’t even accept this girl with a different skin color.”

Which is very sad. It would be the day when people finally realize that it’s not right to judge someone of the color of their skin, but the actions they make instead. Racism will always be around, as much as I hate to admit it.

Here is a video featuring Lou Jing on Go Oriental Girl

Another video describing her story

Asian men I find attractive

Well there is a list of Asian men that I find attractive. All may not be listed here, and will be posted in another blog entry. They are in no particular order. 🙂

This is Adam Yamaguchi. He is a Asian American correspondent for Current TV. There is a show that comes on this channel called Vanguard, this is where I was first introduced to Adam. He was a journalist on the show. He is a very admirable person for all of the work he is done in his career. At least in my opinion he is. He has covered stories from the suicides in Japan to the Space Shuttle incident. I have not watched Vanguard in a very long time. Because of this, I am very behind on the most recent work he has did on the show. However, Adam Yamaguchi is a very talented journalist.

Hiroyuki Ikeuchi is a Japanese actor in Japan. I was first introduced to his role as General Miura on IP Man. I haven’t seen any other movies that he has been featured in. However, I plan to! In IP Man, he had a lot of physical parts. And in a interview, Hiroyuki stated that he had no prior skills in martial arts before that movie. So he had a lot of training to do. And if you have seen IP Man, you wouldn’t be able to tell Hiroyuki is actually a beginner in fighting. He was that good. I think he is a very handsome man. I once mentioned to someone that he reminded me of a Japanese Eminem. I know it sounds out there, lol. But there is a picture of Hiroyuki that looks somewhat like Eminem. Anyhow, I think he is a very talented actor.

Rain Bi…words cannot describe what I think of him. He is a very attractive guy. A great singer, dancer, dancer and now a military man! Jung Ji-Hoon is a man with many talents. I thought he did very well on the movie Ninja Assassins. To be truthfully honest, I did not like the movie when I first saw it. I thought the story line lacked in many areas. However, the acting was not bad and I enjoyed the fighting scenes. And also seeing Raizo and Mika scenes. Although it wasn’t verbally mentioned in the movie, you can tell that Raizo had feelings for Mika, which I thought was cute and eventualy lead me to buy the movie only for the ambw and Rain of course, lol. I wish him all the best in the military!

Joe Odagiri, a Japanese actor in Japan. He reminds me of a Asian Johnny Depp for some reason, lol. I think it has something to do with his hair and sense of style. I own one movie that he is in called Shinobi. It is the novel adaption of Ninja Scrolls a.k.a the anime Basilisk. He is married to the actress/model Yu Kashii, who is eleven years younger and also has one son with his wife.

Jank Hyuk, is a South Korea actor. I first seen him in his role as Kim Kyung-Soo in the movie Volacano High. The very movie MTV decided to ruin the dubbed version with random rappers and singers e.e; Anyhow, Jank has been featured a few films music videos and dramas.

I’ll most likely add in more in another post. For now these are a few of my picks. 🙂

Naruto Shippuden fillers. Yes, I watch them…however…

I haven’t made an entry in this blog for a few days. There hasn’t been much going on lately, with the exception that I have become more active on FaceBook. I’m apart of a few AMBW groups on there as well. 🙂

Not much to say today, with the exception of the anticipation of chapter 567 of Naruto and this weeks filler episode. I know what you are probably thinking. “A filler episode? Are you serious? Do you actually watch those?” No, I don’t. However, I only watch filler episodes when the episode is centered around the Team 8 characters. Team 8 is my favorite team. And this weeks episode will be about Kiba, so I’m definitely going to watch it!

I don’t watch any other filler episodes but Team 8 focused ones. Besides that, I don’t particularly watch Naruto at all, unless it’s a episode from a chapter I wanted to see in movement. I stick with the manga.

AMBW Sites

Here are some ambw groups/sites that I’m apart of and others that I find that I thought I’d share with other ambw supporters.

Black Women Asian Men This is a tumblr account
Black and Yellow AMBW This is a wordpress account
Black Women Asian Men Unite This appears to be a forum
Blasian Magazine A facebook group
Asian Men that ♥ Black Women A facebook group
Black Women and Asian Men Unite A facebook group
Asian Men and Black Women A facebook group
Asian Men & Black Women A facebook group

There are more websites out there. However, I have to find them and when I do I’ll update this entry with more links. 🙂

Also for anyone who would like to add me on facebook, feel free to click this and it will send you to my page. I rarely use it, which explains my low count in friends and lack of writing on my wall ^^;

New Blog!

So I’ve made a new blog that will be purely for my novels. There isn’t much over there right now, with the exception of one entry. But it will be updated daily or at least as much as I can update it.

I thought it would be best if start setting up a blog for my novels now, instead of waiting until later to do so. This blog will remain my personal blog, with topics including AMBW, pop culture and other topics that hopefully will be interesting, as well as personal rants from time to time. xD

The link to my new blog in case you would like to follow it, is here: Click this link

Teaching in Japan

There are many different sides to the story of being a teacher in Japan. I’ve read nightmarish stories, pleasant stories and in between. Everyone always experience something different. I thought to myself “I don’t think I could handle teaching children, especially high school students.” The initial panic and nervousness would eventually come about. I have no problem working with young children, because I am very fond of small children. It’s just the older ones that I fear I would not be able to handle as well. So, I decided that teaching wouldn’t be for me.

However, lately this thinking process of mine has changed…

Teaching in Japan seems like it would be a good opportunity for me to get a better feel of the people there and become cultured to the many things of Japan that I may not know about. Also to be able to meet new people from a different cultural background than my own is also pleasing. The only thing that’s stopping me from joining the JET program is the fact that I don’t have my Bachelors degree yet. It’s something that I am currently working towards. In all honesty, I could have already had my Bachelors and would have been working on my Masters by now if I started college right after high school, which I regret not doing. I wished that I had someone really push my towards college back then, but I didn’t Dx So now, I feel extra behind on schooling, but we’ll save that topic for another blog.

Back on topic, after reading some websites yesterday on being a ALT in Japan, I decided that it is something I will do in the near future.

Novel progress

19989 / 50000

Above you see my progress bar of how much I have written so far for my novel. This bar will be updated over the course of time, until I reach my goal 50,000 word count. I’m currently working on chapter five. My goal for each chapter is to at least past 2500 words. However, for chapters two and three, I did not meet my word count goal. Most likely I will once I go back and edited it once again. Because this is in fact my second draft. The first draft had over 91,000 words. It took me over five months to complete it.

There are other novels that I would like to work on, but I noticed that when working I like to focus on one story at a time. So the others will be worked on after I finish working on what I have now.

Romance novel

I’m seriously thinking about making a romance novel. It’s something that I wouldn’t have wanted to do, but after some serious thinking, I found myself wanting to create that type of genre. Without any fantasy/action/adventure/special abilities added into the story. Just romance. Well…maybe a mild case of action, but that’s about it. Most likely it would be a love triangle, because I find those to be the most interesting to write about.

After I finish this draft of my novel, I’ll probably work out some ideas for it. In the meantime, I have other stories that I must finish after the one I’m working on currently.