
So I’ve moved my info about my novel onto wordpress, though I may still have some information about it on here as well. I just started working on chapter one yesterday and I’m finishing it up now. The general idea of the story follows three paranormal hunters, who fight demons and other supernatural beings. The title of the story will have something respectively to do with the word “Ikigai”, which translates to “something one lives for” and “a reason for being”. Each character in my book has something that they wish to have or accomplish, which is the closely related to the title of the book.

The story is taken place in New Orleans. The reason why I chose this as the setting of my book, is because I wanted it to be taken place in the most haunted city in America. After doing some research, I found that New Orleans is one of the top haunted places in America. This is good for me, because by the story having something to do with paranormal, why not have the setting in the most haunted city?

So far I’m working on my first chapter as I’m typing this. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a chapter a day. Once completed I’ll need a lot of eyes helping me in editing my manuscript. So far I’ve found two people to help me. Also this will mark my second draft of my first novel “Liberation”, which is now titled something else, as I have stated earlier.

More update will be included here and/or WordPress. 🙂

4 thoughts on “WordPress

  1. M November 1, 2011 at 12:35 am Reply

    Have you ever noticed that when writers want to write romance novels and/or spooky stories, they will use cities like New Orleans, Savannah Ga, Charleston, S.C. or some parts of Virgina was their examples?I don't know,but there is a certain mystery and romanticism about these places.So much tragedy have taken place in those places that people claim that they see ghosts there. I don't know whether or not I should believe in ghosts,but I'll never forget about a trip that I took with my seventh grade class to Savannah. I went to Fort Pulaski. I don't know if it was me or if the grass is supposed to feel like quicksand,but something didn't feel right about the grass. I started to panic thinking that I was stuck in it. Maybe that is the grass is suppose to be like..I don't know..but it felt too strange to me.

  2. Pandaninja November 1, 2011 at 10:06 pm Reply

    @M I honestly hadn't known that fact. I've never read much spooky stories before, but I'm quite sure that those are the places that are in fact chosen for that genre.Originally I planned on the setting being in New York, but I changed it and found that New Orleans would make a much fitting for this story than New York would have. Oh really? That sounds very strange. I've never visited Savannah before. Have you ever been back there since that time? And what did you think of it when you went?

  3. M November 2, 2011 at 8:49 pm Reply

    @Panda,Oh yeah, if they aren't known for being romantic, they are definitely known for ghost havens. I don't know how true this is but it has been said that Savannah is actually the most spookiest place in America. New York has some scary thing spots ,but New Orleans has been destined to be that way more so then they.It's been for 20 something years since I've been to Savannnah . I thought that I was going to go back this year for a family reunion,but my plans did go as I wanted them to. My opinion of Savannah is that it's very old,reserved, sea port city with old town charm. When first there it.. stunk literally. It's an odor that I couldn't describe,but I was told that it had to do with the seaport,but once I got to the downtown district, I no longer smelled it. Hopefully, that has since changed.It also has a lot of history about it especially when it comes to AA's. I liked it when my teacher talked about the Gullah people. Many of them live in Savannah and Charleston.For the last three times I've been there, I have never gotten a chance to go to the beach. Something has always went wrong when I planned to there. Hmmm.. I guess it may not be meant for me to go there.Far as that grass at Fort Pulaski, I thought that I was the only one who noticed that( about the grass),but my mom said she went there in the 60's and it felt that way, as well as my neighbor. I don't know, maybe it's some kinds of grass that I don't know about,but the way it felt was a but much for me to handle.

  4. Pandaninja November 7, 2011 at 11:11 pm Reply

    @MAh, I see. I have to look up some more information about Savannah. It sounds like an interesting place from your description, despite the odor from which you described, lol.

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