Music Video featuring ambw and more!

I’m horrible with coming up with titles @o@ But anyways, here is not only one of my favorite songs/music videos, but an music video featuring ambw. I’m a fan of three songs by FEM, and I must say when I first watched this music video I was surprised to see the couple in the video an ambw pairing. For someone like me–who rarely watches music videos–it had been my first time seeing an ambw in a music video since Aaliyah’s “Try Again” music video, which features Jet Li.

I wish there were more music videos featuring this relationship. It’s so rare, but is slowly building up due to blogs and youtube videos on the subject.

If there are any other music videos featuring ambw relationship or even implied, please do let me know. I’d love to watch it!

Far East Movement – Rocketeer

On another note, I’ve been browsing YouTube on my phone, during the time I had not access to internet via my laptop, and I came across more great channels, of which that discuss ambw.

Here are some awesome channels and a video from their uploads:

DuckDuckMousse Most of her videos you can spot her husband in the background smiling. It’s quite cute. They are an adorable couple!

IcySparks2007 Most of his videos deals with ambw

AMBWUnite This channel is purely about ambw

Tenchijk I love his videos!

This concludes my entry for today! 🙂

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