I decided it would be fun to have a blog to post various entries on different topics, from AMBW relationships, my interests and my life. Well I’ll start by explaining that I have been thinking about joining the Navy for a few months. One month ago—it’s closing in on two months now—I took the Pre-ASVAB test at the Navy recruiting office. To be honest, I was afraid that I wasn’t going to do that well. But surprisingly I did quite well, especially on the reading comprehension and word paragraph parts (I was told by my recruiter that I excelled on those parts). The only the thing that I did so-so on is the math portion. I suck in math. It has been my kryptonite for years. T.T

I will be taking the real ASVAB October 4th. I’m hoping that I will at least score over a 50, that way I’ll have more job opportunities. I have my eye on CTI, which is—for those who don’t know—Cryptologist Technician Interpreter.  You have to score between an 80 or 90 to be able to have this rating. I’m not too sure I’ll score that high, but I’m thinking positive here. If I couldn’t get that job, I have four other jobs that I’m interesting in. They are Administrative Support Specialist, Audiovisual and Broadcast Technician, Broadcast Journalist and News writer, and Graphic Designer and Illustrator. I’m not 100% what you need to score to get those jobs, assuming that they still offer those jobs. (I found the jobs in an ASVAB book that I checked out from a library.)

Hopefully if I passed the test (I need at least a 37 or higher to pass) on Tuesday, I will return with a new entry informing everyone if I passed or not. Currently I’m without internet, so I may be posting my next entry from my phone.  

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