Monthly Archives: October 2011


So I’ve moved my info about my novel onto wordpress, though I may still have some information about it on here as well. I just started working on chapter one yesterday and I’m finishing it up now. The general idea of the story follows three paranormal hunters, who fight demons and other supernatural beings. The title of the story will have something respectively to do with the word “Ikigai”, which translates to “something one lives for” and “a reason for being”. Each character in my book has something that they wish to have or accomplish, which is the closely related to the title of the book.

The story is taken place in New Orleans. The reason why I chose this as the setting of my book, is because I wanted it to be taken place in the most haunted city in America. After doing some research, I found that New Orleans is one of the top haunted places in America. This is good for me, because by the story having something to do with paranormal, why not have the setting in the most haunted city?

So far I’m working on my first chapter as I’m typing this. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a chapter a day. Once completed I’ll need a lot of eyes helping me in editing my manuscript. So far I’ve found two people to help me. Also this will mark my second draft of my first novel “Liberation”, which is now titled something else, as I have stated earlier.

More update will be included here and/or WordPress. šŸ™‚

Second draft!

So I’m working on my second draft for my novel “Liberation”. The title has been changed, new characters has been created, and a few old characters have been removed. Also the concept of the story is entirely different than what it had been previously.

Originally I had been thinking of maybe doing only three books for this series, but I decided to do more than that. The title has something to do with the word “Ikigai”, which literally translate as “something one lives for” and “a reason for being”. The title has a very deep impact on the characters and the plot. Each character in my story can relate to this word, rather they have something that they desire or want to accomplish.

So far I’ve been outlining the series in my notebook before I actually start working on the revamped version. Hopefully, I will be able to start working on chapter one by sometime this weekend. But I’m not 100% sure just yet. I’m thinking about making another blog dedicated to the book, so I can promote it in every way I can. I’ll be new to marketing, so we’ll see how things go.

Currently I have commissioned two artist on dA, two draw my characters from my novel. Once finished, I’ll post them on here for viewing pleasure. xD

Also I have twitter now! So if anyone is interested in following me, please feel free to do so. šŸ™‚ The link is here —> Brittney_Canna

Comments deleted

I didn’t know if you delete the comments in your account that means you’re deleting the comments that were posted in your blog @0@ I know now not to delete the comments in my account. So sorry for those who have comment me and notice their disappeared comment. Dx

Music Video featuring ambw and more!

I’m horrible with coming up with titles @o@ But anyways, here is not only one of my favorite songs/music videos, but an music video featuring ambw. I’m a fan of three songs by FEM, and I must say when I first watched this music video I was surprised to see the couple in the video an ambw pairing. For someone like me–who rarely watches music videos–it had been my first time seeing an ambw in a music video since Aaliyah’s “Try Again” music video, which features Jet Li.

I wish there were more music videos featuring this relationship. It’s so rare, but is slowly building up due to blogs and youtube videos on the subject.

If there are any other music videos featuring ambw relationship or even implied, please do let me know. I’d love to watch it!

Far East Movement – Rocketeer

On another note, I’ve been browsing YouTube on my phone, during the time I had not access to internet via my laptop, and I came across more great channels, of which that discuss ambw.

Here are some awesome channels and a video from their uploads:

DuckDuckMousse Most of her videos you can spot her husband in the background smiling. It’s quite cute. They are an adorable couple!

IcySparks2007 Most of his videos deals with ambw

AMBWUnite This channel is purely about ambw

Tenchijk I love his videos!

This concludes my entry for today! šŸ™‚

AMBW Novel idea

So I thought of an idea for an ambw story. I just started working on chapter one today. I plan on explaining more information once I obtain access to the internet. :3

Set back/AMBW video

Well I was set to take the ASVAB today, but due to may paperwork needing an update, I now have to wait to take the test and re-fill out the paper work. It is troublesome but what can I do?

On other news, I saw this really cute ambw video on youtube not to long ago and I must share it with everyone!

Aren’t they so adorable together?


I decided it would be fun to have a blog to post various entries on different topics, from AMBW relationships, my interests and my life. Well Iā€™ll start by explaining that I have been thinking about joining the Navy for a few months. One month agoā€”itā€™s closing in on two months nowā€”I took the Pre-ASVAB test at the Navy recruiting office. To be honest, I was afraid that I wasnā€™t going to do that well. But surprisingly I did quite well, especially on the reading comprehension and word paragraph parts (I was told by my recruiter that I excelled on those parts). The only the thing that I did so-so on is the math portion. I suck in math. It has been my kryptonite for years. T.T

I will be taking the real ASVAB October 4th. Iā€™m hoping that I will at least score over a 50, that way Iā€™ll have more job opportunities. I have my eye on CTI, which isā€”for those who donā€™t knowā€”Cryptologist Technician Interpreter.  You have to score between an 80 or 90 to be able to have this rating. Iā€™m not too sure Iā€™ll score that high, but Iā€™m thinking positive here. If I couldnā€™t get that job, I have four other jobs that Iā€™m interesting in. They are Administrative Support Specialist, Audiovisual and Broadcast Technician, Broadcast Journalist and News writer, and Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Iā€™m not 100% what you need to score to get those jobs, assuming that they still offer those jobs. (I found the jobs in an ASVAB book that I checked out from a library.)

Hopefully if I passed the test (I need at least a 37 or higher to pass) on Tuesday, I will return with a new entry informing everyone if I passed or not. Currently Iā€™m without internet, so I may be posting my next entry from my phone.  

Random facts of PandaNinja

Korra from “Legend of Korra

Here are just a few random facts about me. šŸ™‚ Enjoy the random information.
  1. My name is Brittney.
  2. Iā€™m currently 23-years old.
  3. Iā€™m African American.
  4. My favorite colors are red and black.
  5. I love animals.
  6. Iā€™m afraid of butterflies. Yes. You read that correctly. T.T
  7. I have three dogs. Two boys and one girl, named Roxy, Kyo and Danny. I no longer have Danny ;-;
  8. My idols are Bruce Lee and Anna Tsuchiya.
  9. My favorite actresses are Ziya Zhang, Chloe Moretz, Ksenia Solo and Dakota Fanning. My favorite actors are Jason Statham, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Hanks, and Johnny Depp.
  10. I studied Japanese in college.
  11. My dream place to visit is Japan and Dubai.
  12. I have an affinity for horror movies.
  13. My all-time favorite television shows are ā€œI Love Lucyā€ and ā€œSeinfeldā€.
  14. Favorite female characters are Hinata Hyuuga, Toph Bei Fong, Yachiru, Rukia, ReL and Anita King.
  15. Favorite male characters are Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Sokka, Izaya, Shizuo and Kida.
  16. I love to read and write stories.
  17. I like the look of gas masks. (I know itā€™s weird, but for some reason I think they look cool, lol.)
  18. Height: Letā€™s just say Iā€™m very short. šŸ˜
  19. Martial Status: Single
  20. Favorite Sweets: Chocolate Pocky, Sour Patches and Swedish Fish
  21. Favorite type of food: Italian ;3; Yum!
  22. Least favorite food: Mixed Vegetables, Sweet Peas, and Spinach. Yuck!
  23. Favorite Television Shows: The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Face Off, Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The Twilight Zone, New Girl, Lost Girl, Seinfeld, House, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, X Factor
  24. Favorite Cartoons/Anime: King of the Hill, American Dad, Family Guy, Avatar The Last Airbender, Bleach, Durarara (DRRR!), Persona 4, Shiki, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Samurai Champloo, Death Note, and so on
  25. Favorite Manga: Naruto, NANA, Kyou Koi wo Hajimemasu, Dengeki Daisy, Deadman Wonderland and Ao no Exorcist
  26. Favorite colors: Red, Black, Yellow, and Blue
  27. Favorite Singers: Anna Tsuchiya, Pink, Lady Gaga, and Ayumi Hamasaki
  28. Favorite Bands: UVERworld, Queen, The GazettE, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Nickleback, Three Days Grace, Red, Skillet, and Green Day
  29. My Celebrity Crushes: James Franco, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Jank Hyuk, Steven Yeun, and Miyavi
  30. Movie Genres I love: Horror, Thrillers, Martial Arts, Psychological Thrillers, Suspense, Action/Adventure, Fantasy
  31. Favorite Movies: Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Misery, The Shining, National Lampoonā€™s Vacation, National Lampoonā€™s European Vacation, Sleepless in Seattle, Ferris Bullerā€™s Day Off, Cable Guy, 30 Days of Night, Saving Private Ryan, 9th Company, The Exorcist, The Mask, Little Rascals, Now and Then, Caroline, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Chocolate, The Breakfast Club, Halloween 4 & 5, Halloween (The remake), and so on
  32. Gaming System Owned: PS3 
  33. All-time favorite video games: Metal Gear Solid 4 and Heavy Rain
  34. OTPs: KakaHina, SasuHina, ShikaHina, RinIzu, HitsuHina, RenjiHina, UsuiHina, LxHina, ItaHina, KibaHina, AsumaHina, KoHina, NejiHina, ObitoHina, RelVincent, HinaShizu, HinaIza, HinaDei, HinaHida, HinaPain, HinaMada, and so on (Huge Hinata fan as you can tell. ^3^;
    And there you have it folks, random facts of yours truly, PandaNinja. šŸ™‚

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